Knipper Health Assumes Patheon Pharma Services Sample and Fulfillment Services from Thermo Fisher Scientific Press Release

Knipper Health Assumes Patheon Pharma Services Sample and Fulfillment Services from Thermo Fisher Scientific Press Release

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Energage Names J. Knipper and Company a Winner of the 2021 Top Workplaces USA Award

Mar 8, 2021

LAKEWOOD, NJ {February 9, 2021} – Today, J. Knipper and Company, Inc. (Knipper) announced that it has earned the 2021 Top Workplaces USA award, issued by Energage, a purpose-driven organization that develops solutions to build and brand Top Workplaces. This is the inaugural year for Top Workplaces USA, built on the program’s 14-year history surveying more than 20 million employees across 54 markets for the regional Top Workplaces awards.

Knipper is a leader in vital sectors of the pharmaceutical and life science industries, including sample management, third party-logistics, specialty pharmacy and pharmacy e-commerce. Clients include 18 of the top 20  pharmaceutical companies in the United States.

“Now in our 35th year, Knipper has a signular focus on building a platform that creates value for our clients by delivering the highest level of service in the industry, and that starts with our culture,” said Mike Laferrera, President and CEO. “Our culture is shaped by our core values of Caring, Honesty, Accountability, Respect and Trust (CHART). By demanding CHART behaviors from ourselves in everything we do, we have created an environment where accountability to each other is as important as accountability to our clients. Our contributors understand that doing their jobs well creates a satisfied customer which in turn creates a workplace where business goals are achieved. Knipper contributors are recognized and genuinely appreciated for their achievements. The Company received this award because our contributors worked diligently in exhibiting all the right CHART behaviors, and it is every bit each contributor’s award as it is for Knipper.”

Top Workplaces USA offers national recognition for large organizations, those with more than 150 employees, and those that may have operations in multiple markets. Winners of the Top Workplaces USA are chosen from more than 1,100 participating organizations and based solely on employee feedback gathered through an employee engagement survey, issued by Energage. Results are calculated by comparing the survey’s research-based statements, including 15 Culture Drivers that are proven to predict high performance against industry benchmarks.

“During this very challenging time, Top Workplaces has proven to be a beacon of light for organizations, as well as a sign of resiliency and strong business performance,” said Eric Rubino, Energage CEO. “When you give your employees a voice, you come together to navigate challenges and shape your path forward. Top Workplaces draw on real-time insights into what works best for their organization, so they can make informed decisions that have a positive impact on their people and their business.”